Opening up Our Community

Many state and county governments are releasing plans to reopen the economy to essential businesses.  While this is an encouraging sign, please know this process will be thoughtfully considered at Porters Neck Village. We have implemented a multi-phased approach when reopening our community.  Porters Neck Village’s reopening phases may differ than the state’s or county’s phased approach. We will base decisions for each phase on state and regional criteria, advice from public health officials, and the health status of our community.  We will evaluate how we shift our protocols after we know our community is no longer at risk, and with careful consideration of the guidance offered by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), and local and state health departments.

We are all looking forward to the day when we can resume our lives as a community and gather with our friends, yet the health and safety of residents and employees must remain our highest priority. From the beginning, we have taken on this challenge as a marathon rather than a sprint. There are no short cuts or easy answers to how we reduce our risk to COVID-19 and it’s as important as ever that we continue to remain focused on protecting ourselves and supporting each other. We want to keep you informed regarding what services will re-open and our policies on visitors to the community.

As of 6/15, our service updates and visitor policies are as follows:

  • The total number of visitors allowed in the Commons Building on at time is 35.
  • Visitors are allowed in a controlled environment Monday through Friday from 9:00AM to 4:00PM and 11AM to 4PM on Saturday and Sunday.  The number of visitors is limited, and the visits must be scheduled with our Concierge Desk.  Please call 910-686-7181 to receive detailed information and safety protocols for the scheduled visits.
  • Our salon and pool have re-opened in a limited capacity.  Salon appointments can be scheduled with our Concierge as well as open swim times in the pool.

Until further notice, Porters Neck Village will continue to follow the heightened precautionary measures currently in place. These practices include following social distancing protocols, wearing masks, and visitation restrictions. We understand the risks posed to our community from COVID-19 and remain committed to our processes. As the situation evolves, and we make changes to our protocols, residents, employees and families will be notified first. We will work to keep you informed via our website.

Thank you for your patience, your support, and for embodying the hopeful spirit that Porters Neck Village is known for as we continue to navigate this process together. If you have specific questions on how we will re-open, please contact 910-686-7181 for local information. For more information about COVID-19 and our national response to COVID-19, go to

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Elder lady wearing a large hat
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